Tag: Lebanon
Ortho1clinics Provide The Most Effective Orthodontic Treatment Currently Available
The number of adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment is increasing rapidly. It will enhance the demand for aesthetic orthodontics introduced to the market. Ortho1Clinics bring the ultimate lingual orthodontic treatment in Lebanon to correct most orthodontics problem. This system consists of specially designed brackets that are suitable to be placed or bonded in the lingual…
Ortho1Clinics Discusses About The Possible Treatment Option For Cleft Lip Found In Infants
There is nothing more heartwarming & engaging than the smile of a baby. That innocent, sometimes toothy grin allows us to share a moment of joy with child that is invaluable. That grin might belong to your little boy as is cooling off under a sprinkler. Or it might belong to a neighborhood child finding…
Ortho1Clinics Talks About The Growing Cleft Palate Problem In Newborn
A cleft palate is a deformity that happens when the infant is still in the womb. Simply said, it’s an opening in the roof of the mouth, either in front, the back, or both. Cleft palates happen when there are not adequate tissues for the area to completely form, or the tissue that grows doesn’t…
Ortho1Clinics Offers Reliable Cleft Palate Surgery in Lebanon
Cleft palate is an opening in the roof of the mouth that’s present at birth. When a baby develops inside the mother, the left & right sides of the face and the roof of the mouth fuse together. Sometimes the two sides don’t fuse properly, making a gap, or cleft, in the palate. A cleft…